691 Morehouse Road, Easton, CT 06612
Phone (203) 261-0134
Hours: Monday - Wednesday 10-6, Thursday 10-7,
Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-3
Curbside Pickup is available.
Library to Go home delivery is available. Call for details.
The Library will open at 11:00 a.m. today, Thursday, February 6. Please check back for updates.
Library Board of Trustees

Renee Neiger

Shari Pearlman
Vice President

Adrienne Burke

Gloria Bindelglass
Recording Secretary
Article I: Function/Duties
Appoint a qualified librarian to serve as Library Director
Adopt the policies, goals, and objectives under which the Library shall operate
Approve an annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year for the Library Director to submit to the First Selectman and the Board of Finance
Act as stewards of the Library fund
Article II: Proceedings
Board proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, and the Statutes of the State of Connecticut /Ordinances of the Town of Easton (pertaining to libraries).
Article III: Meetings
Regular Meetings shall be held at least eight times per calendar year, the times and dates of which shall be voted upon by the Board at its Annual Meeting of the prior year.
Generally speaking, meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
The Annual Meeting shall be held at an agreed upon time and date after the first week in November, to be determined by Board majority vote at the prior Annual Meeting.
Special and Emergency Meetings shall be called by the President or upon written request of four or more members of the Board, addressed to the President. All members shall be notified prior to posting a special meeting or calling an emergency meeting.
Meeting agendas shall be set by the President in consultation with the Library Director. Any member of the Board may request inclusion of agenda items at least forty-eight hours prior to the posting of a meeting. At least forty-eight hours prior to a meeting, the Library Director shall electronically send the agenda, Library Director’s report, and previous meeting’s minutes to the members of the Board for review.
Article IV: Officers
The officers shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary.
Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual Meeting, upon recommendation of a nominations committee appointed by the President.
Officers’ terms are limited to six consecutive one year terms in any one position.
The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint/discharge any committees, authorize calls for any special/emergency meetings, make/rescind special appointments, represent/speak for the Board officially, and generally perform the duties of the presiding officer.
The Vice President shall assume the duties and functions of the President in his/her absence or disability.
The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and file them with the Town Clerk.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the following:
Overseeing the management of the Board's fund of donated monies (the Fund), including researching and establishing the relationship with the Fund's investment manager, and working with the investment manager to draft and execute an appropriate investment management plan for the Fund.
Functioning as the liaison between the Fund's investment manager and the Board.
Providing the Board with periodic updates on the status of the Fund.
Functioning as an authorized signatory of the Board, which includes signing investments management contracts on behalf of the Board and signing checks to disburse Fund monies.
In the Treasurer’s absence and/or disability, the President, or a person designated by a Board majority vote, shall take responsible for these duties.
The Corresponding Secretary shall acknowledge donations to the Library and track restrictive clause donations. All donations shall be reported to the Treasurer as to the date, donor, item, any restrictions and disposition.
Article V: Library Director
The Library Director shall have charge of the staff and administration of the Library under the direction and review of the Board. He/She shall attend all Board meetings, or in his/her absence and/or disability, designate a professional staff member to act in his/her place. The Library Director shall recommend policy changes and see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Trustees are carried into effect.
Article VI: Amendments
These by-laws can be amended at any meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the members, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been provided to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.
Revised: August 12, 1997, April 5, 2004, December 9, 2019